Do you know which types of data are used by everyone in the organization? And do you have a system in place for analyzing data as it flows into the organization? If your analytics projects aren’t successful, it might be a data management problem. Technologies and processes help deliver accurate and reliable data to support strategic decisions and day-to-day operations.
Enterprise data management is a big task that organizations face today. It can be performed in many ways. One common method is to build a central data warehouse. Subsequently, conduit information from various points within the network and business operations. For instance, data could enter the data warehouse through a set of middleware applications or through human data entry. Staffers might take data from mailing lists or written customer surveys and integrate them into the data warehouse. Data may come in automatically through software setups, customer mobile or call center customer interface capturing data directly from the customer engagement.
Our professionals have strong experience in the, Middleware and Enterprise Data Management space. In the middleware space we can:
Install, design and enable software systems like Message / Event queues, Message brokers.
In the enterprise data management space, we can install and design RDBMS solutions, using RDBMS softwares from a variety of vendors.
For the semi structured data stores we can enable XML solutions, and can design and implement XML Schema (1.0 and 1.1) solutions, and the XSLT (1.0 and 2.0) and XQuery solutions.
Design and implement JSON solutions.
Develop REST and Web Services APIs.